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Seif On The Prostitution And Exploitation Of Beirut?

September 29, 2010


What makes a prostitute? Well, to my understanding, it is a woman (or man) who “sells” him/herself to a man (or woman), usually to make a living, meet his/her basic needs, and survive. Sounds familiar? Yes. It sounds like Beirut… or at least to me it does. I always envision Beirut to be a strong and extremely beautiful woman. Wanted and loved by so many. Strong enough to keep itself from death, but not strong enough to meet all of it’s needs for survival. It’s a suffering woman, who fears death, but has no choice but to be forced into prostitution and exploitation to make it in today’s world. Sad… but true.

Being far from Beirut these days, I have come to realize Beirut is being prostituted and exploited to the highest (and strongest) bidder. Don’t be shocked, because it’s true. Look at Beirut, from outside ofcourse, and you’ll realize it’s true! How so you may ask? To those who can afford it, Beirut is expected to deliver full bliss, wild nights, extremely extravagant parties, and loads of women. In my own words, Beirut is expected to deliver an “orgasmic” amount of fun. Nothing else. To many Westerners, when they hear the word Beirut, they think only of the clubs, drunken nights, and women. But that’s not Beirut’s fault. I mean… look at the videos of Beirut that our Ministry of Tourism throws out to the world. They are repulsive! We only show the “wild side” of Beirut. Never do they show AUB or LAU (Beirut’s educational importance in the Middle East), they don’t show the old streets of Gemmayze, the Beirut Museum, or the fancy Lebanese style restaurants. Instead they display women in mini-skirts, bartenders flipping shakers in the air, and raves. Yeah we get it already… Beirut is wild! Little do they realize that they are showing Beirut to be a hussie instead of an epicenter of culture. I know what I’m going to hear in the comments:  “Tourism is based on the wild side of Beirut”. NO. Westerners, the ones willing to spend in hundreds and even thousands in the country, are the people who look for fun in a more classy and civilized manner. People want to see history, do things they can’t do elsewhere, and try things that will be new to them. But no, we make Beirut look cheap. Beirut is there simply to provide pleasure to the person who is willing to pay the most. Thats prostitution at it’s finest. Beirut is used until it can’t take it any longer, then left to recover and stabilize itself only to be prostituted in May all over again. I’m not against tourism, heck no! It’s so crucial to Lebanon’s economy… nor am I against the side of Beirut that is wild and crazy because I love it just as much as anybody. I’m just against it being the only image of Beirut people have! It’s a sad reality. Beirut is a woman in “need”, with an economy still suffering from a brutal civil war, a series of assassinations, unemployment, and a silly government (with silly political opponents)… it’s basic needs for survival are not met, making it an easy prostitution target for the outside world. Like most prostitutes, Beirut must live, even if it means degrading itself.

But what’s worse is the fact Beirut is “pimped” by it’s own people (governing body mostly). Which leads me to the second part of my post. Exploitation. The definition of exploitation is: “to make use of meanly or unfairly for one’s own advantage.” Good definition, if I do say so myself! Some questions may be coming to mind. 1.) How is Beirut exploited? 2.) Why is it exploited? 3.) To whom is it exploited? Well, Beirut is exploited in the most disgusting and degrading of manner. The control, the internal affairs, the important decisions, all exploited to outside influences and forces who do not have the best interest of Beirut in mind… but instead the best interest of themselves… nothing else. It is exploited by our politicians, who hold their loyalties to themselves, to their pockets, and their comfy seats. They take Beirut’s issues, and put them in the hands of governments who “rape”, and force Beirut to turn into something THEY want… not what Beirut and it’s people want.

This just enrages me. It angers me to the point where I want to blow up! What can one mere blogger do? I think talking about this subject is enough, but will it make any drastic changes? One can only hope. Its sad to sit and watch the prostitution of Beirut… very sad. But even worse not being able to do anything about the exploitation of our beloved capital. Thanks for pimping Beirut. Selfish idiots.

12 Comments leave one →
  1. September 29, 2010 10:17 pm

    Sigh* you are right mallion bil miyi sadly. While partying may be fun .. we need to show the other sides of our country because based on these ads we basically have only image.

    While it’s fine that uneducated people judge us for being a certain way- the Lebanese ministry of tourism and the people def. play a part in this.

    As for the exploitation. kaman ma3ak ha2.

    As my dad says, Welcome to Lebanon.

    • BeirutiAdventures permalink
      September 29, 2010 10:19 pm

      Welcome to Lebanon indeed!!

      It’s very saddening and frustrating! Maybe one day we will have some change! Thanks for your comment, as usual!

      • September 29, 2010 10:43 pm

        Of course! Inshallah one day.

        And np! always a pleasure reading what you have to say..

        and to Rex, thanks for the nice words about our country. We do appreciate hearing people talk about the things people generally choose to ignore about us 🙂

  2. September 29, 2010 10:37 pm

    Am not lebanese nor do I have any interest in Lebanon or its people per se. But with all honesty, I’ve never been to a country as warm and welcoming as Lebanon. Everywhere I went, I was treated with the upmost respect. The people were friendly and always willing to talk and help out (if help was needed). It is probably the only country in the Middle east where you can find people so devoted to their country, yet absolutely let down by their government.

    I loved the solidere but I know what it stands for, its a memory of how Lebanon was exploited by wealthy Saudi Arabians. The whorish image (as saif described it) and how they’re trying to sell the lebanese product does your amazing country no justice. I hope the people of Lebanon reclaim their country, put an end to the foreign influence, secure their borders and liberate themselves from the evils they’re surrounded by.
    Such a nice a country deserves more than this, it really does.

    • BeirutiAdventures permalink
      October 1, 2010 5:49 pm

      Such a beautiful comment from you my friend! As usual, you bless my posts with your elaborate, and heart-warming insights. Thank you for what you said, and the encouragement!

  3. September 29, 2010 10:49 pm

    I don’t think it is different in any other city. We are just used to bashing officialdom. And anyway it is not for them that people come to Lebanon, not only Beirut. Maybe that is a role for the blog to give it the image you think it deserves and the love it needs… 🙂

  4. September 29, 2010 11:21 pm

    It is so sad to notice how (slowly but surely) things keep going down although there is always talk that things are getting better (if u notice the numbers which are not the best example we can give).

    Beirut is being drained from everything that makes it Beirut, and its soooooo sad to see it disappear that way. From the traditional image of a beautiful middle eastern city it is slowly shifting to become a city with no urban plan, not environment friendly (just noticed the grey cloud today on my way to work)….to name just a few.

    Wild? yeah ok we get it we have cheap people, but also we do have “thinkers” people with some kind of plan for their lives and themselves who unfortunately either find another place to learn, live, grow or get on the darker side of life….and both do not contribute to the constant and better growth of a city that has been through hell and back so many times!

    The phoenix of the Middle East sums it up quite well sometimes.

    • BeirutiAdventures permalink
      October 1, 2010 5:49 pm

      A phoenix indeed Gaby!

  5. Dar El Akhdar permalink
    September 29, 2010 11:24 pm

    I’ve always said to myself that Lebanon was the “playground of the Middle East” and I get infuriated when I see foreigners act like they are “Lebanese” when driving their cars on our streets, for instance (suddenly not respecting traffic lights and all)

    It’s absolutely pathetic to see how our country is being controlled by small, small people who do not realize what Sheikh Mohamad bin Rashed of Dubai once said – that Dubai will continue to rise until the waking up of the giant

    And the giant, my friends, is Beirut…

  6. jennifer permalink
    September 30, 2010 1:13 am

    oh so true nthg more to say everyone before me said it all
    what a shame this is what Beirut is turning out to be i actually had visitors come from abroad and all where they interested in seeing and experiencing is the “wild life” of Beirut. But at some point they got tired and wanted to try out sthg gheir just go to a place and sit and don’t have to eat or drink and not so far away … and well that doesn’t exist in Beirut . we have no suitable public garden to sit and enjoy nature it’s all bricks of baton! *sigh maybe someday things will change we can only hope and dream because well the people with power don’t seem to care and we allow them to stay in power and we r the one’s who put them in power in the first place
    Someday…. hoping we will have people with gr8 minds left in the country 🙂

  7. October 1, 2010 8:37 am

    Greetings! is a website that features an extensive database of all things related to the city we love, including events, businesses, news and entertainment.

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    • BeirutiAdventures permalink
      October 1, 2010 5:47 pm

      Thanks for your comment, and interest in my blog Dania. I can easily provide you with this information, but how would you like me to do so? Via the e-mail you used for this comment?

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